Saturday, May 27, 2006

New York

Must be quick as once again i am using the free internet in the amazingly crazy packed apple store on fifth avenue which is underground enter via a glass cube. Been in new york for i have no idea how many days. Honestly, this morning i discovered it was saturday instead of friday. I couldn't beleive it. I was going to go to the free Guggenheim night tonight (being friday) but now i can't because it is actually saturday. I have no idea where i lost a day, but i intend to find out. Last night, after lining up in times square at 4 i managed to a half-price last-minute ticket to broadway musical "Rent". it was pretty good as far as musicals go, but maybe in general i'm not a musical fan. They kept singing and dancing all the time. hehe. just kidding.
Yesterday i went to MoMa and wandered round the galleries for a couple of hours and got an updated photo of me with picassos goat (i have one of me sitting on it as a 12 year old). The subway system is so good. You just find a station, pretty much everywhere you look, then transfer to your line and get where you want in a couple of minutes.

There is also way way way too much choice for food and yet no choice all at the same time. Everywhere there is Dunkin Donuts, and every other kind of food place you can think. plus every second shop is a 'deli' selloing cakes, sandwiches, salads and biscuits, muffins, bagels. Every steeet corner sells hot dogs, pretzels and nuts. Every street has a pizza shop where you a 'slice' which in itself is the size of a persoanl pizza. It's impossible top escape the thought of food or spending in some way. It's interesting and fun but exhausting at the same time. The weather is really nice compared to being in cold Peru, but it is almost too hot (for me that is pretty hot). Tomoorw will be 85. I ahevbn't worked out what that is but it sounds pretty damn hot, especially because today is only 70 something and i'm sweating like a pig. When i go back to my shoe-box tonight i will plan what i will do for tomorrow and work out what day it is. Maybe i'm only noticing the consumerism compared to living on an island for three weeks, but even Sydney has nowhere near this level of consumerism.

This afternoon i went to the united Nations building and had a look around. It was all empty so nothing much to see but the building and the gardens are really great. All the americans in the tour wanted to know if people got kicked out of the UN for being bad or going against the rules. HA! obviously not. i chuckled to myself at their questions, most of them seemed to have no idea about anything. The tour guide talked about NGOs and they all asked simultaneoulsy "what is an NGO??". haha.

well i think i have outstayed my welcome at the apple store for today and feeling increasingly pressured to leave as many shopkeepers hanging around me and asking if i need help. only so many times i can say "no, just testing the performance with the net."

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