Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th

well it's July 4th and I'm in Charleston, South Carolina. I did a very american thing and went to WalMart where it was packed with people buying hotdogs and beer and hamburgers and wearing american flag t-shirts. I will see fireworks tonight i guess. But the best thing about today is that it's the day before tomorrow which is the day i fly home from Savannah, to Atlanta, to LA to Auckland to Sydney. yayyy! I haven't worked out exactly how long all that will take but i get home friday morning sydney time. I've been here for the past week after a few fun days in San Fran. It's realy really hot and humid here and i saw aligators. I'v ebeen to the beach, seen the historical town and some old southern plantations and houses. Been to shopping malls and tried a lot of different food places. There are very few one-off restaurants or cafes. Everything is driven to, there are no pdestrian walkways and a different food place everywhere. It;s defintly a different way of life to home.

Can't wait to see evryone!
Love nicky

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