Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Victoria to Seattle

wow i'm sitting in the most amazing building...the Seattle Central Library (yeh i know, kerrin i just hear you saying that this is the kind of place i would hang out...actually making use of free internet as usual). Anyway, i just looked up the building online because i forgot who did it, but it's designed by Rem, knew it must be someone good. As soon as i saw it i loved it. It's a big glass thing with odd geometry. You can see pictures at

The inside is great too, it just feels like you want to be here, with its vast space and light. agggh. wow.

anyway. Victoria turned out to be realyy great and i could finally make use of the loooong evenings before sunset by strolling around. Reminds me an english seaside town, nto that i've been to one recently, but you know.

The ferry trip through the Puget Sound wasn't AS great as it thought, mainly because the Sound is so wide. i think i was spoiled by seeing Doubtful Sound in NZ.

Seattle so far is fascinating with its buildings and bookshops and interesting food places. It's seems far more interesting and accessible than New York. New York has the hype, but Seattle seems to have more to explore...well, so far. i'll see how it goes.

Finding the hostel on Union street near Pike Street Market was a bit of a nightmare. My pack seems heavier every time i wear it. I got off the ferry at Pier 69 and according to my map needed to walk many blocks to Union Street. Then there's that horrible feeling where you realised you've walked too far and have to turn back. The day was unusually warm and the pack was SO heavy i kept sitting down. I finally finally found the place...this story really has no interseting twist other than the bag was heavy and i wa slost and hot...guess you had to be there...or be me.

When i was wlaking around this afternoon up to Broadway to change my tickets i wlaked past this 'lady' who had her elbow poking out and i burshed it as i walked past. I was like 'sorry' as you do, expecting a similar 'sorry' as she was well out fo her personal space zone with that elbow, and then i hear behind me this, "excuse YOU bitch!!". I was like, 'oh great' she's gonna come and scratch my face or something..."she kept yelling "hey i'm talking to you bitch!". I really couldn't care less because of how she was talking. If anything i was already imaginaing it being a good story. Although i did turn my head slightly to make sure she wasn't walking my way with her claws out. hehe

The othe rfunny thing was overhearing some locals in Vicotria talking about the weather forecast, "going to be a scorcher and a record-breaker" they said. hehe, i was very interested to hear what this scorcher temperature was. "ooh about 26 or 27 degrees." Actually sounded pretty wamr for there when it gets only low 20s in the summer, but it was still funny. They all started talking about sunburn, and one lady said she tends not to go outside in the summer in case of sun damage. hehe once again.

Well, i 'm going to keep walking around for a while, and maybe explore the library a little more. In two days i start my national parks tour.

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