Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Last day in Cusco...for a while

I have finally managed to put up some photos of what i´ve een up to so far. Hope it gives a good idea of the place. The computer isd really slow, so it´s taken me over an hour to put them up. This morning a bunch of us got up early and walked down to Jack´s which is a cafe that serves breakfast. We won´t have much good breakfasdt for a while and have been living on Inca cereal,,,which has an aniseed flavour and am so sick of it, and stale bread with jam. So we took ourselves to jacks and i got a massive stack of pancakes with maple syrup and it was aghhhhhhh so good. and a hot chocolate hmm. Last night we were going to go to a South America Cup soccer match against Caracas but could´n´t get tickets so went to salsa dancing instead. All the girls wore skirts with thermals underneath and looked like freaks. I don´t have nay thermals so i just wore my skirt and freezed.

Yesterday visited a school for disadvantaged kids. All we did was take photos and laugh around with them, so nothing particularly useful but everyone had fun i guess. Ooh i also bought a centiana jersey so i can wear it at the games. They can be my adopted team! Also this morning bought an alpaca jumper for 40 soles...i thiunk i got ripped off by 5 soles but i am getting sick of trying to bargain with poor people to save myself about 2 dollars. I need because the nights are getting very cold.

Tomorrow leaving for Huaran in the morning so i am getting eerything i need ready. We will be there for a month and only come back to Cusco once at the end towards easter for the big soccer game.

I am looking forward to starting the project. We are making an old spanisj colonial building into a hostel in this village that currnetly has no tourism. The project extends to all aspects of the business from constructing the hostel, to setting up a website and marketing, training locals to work in the hostel and getting to know the community and teaching english so that they can get on with tourists. Each person in the group has a special skill...for me i can help with the design and construction of the project while others have skills in other areas. I´m also going to be doing enlgish teaching at the school in the afternoon.

catch you in a few weeks!

1 comment:

kelli said...


Just great to see your photos - gives a good impression of your travels so far. Thanks for spending the time to load them. We have had the first 2 stages of Phil's birthday celebrations - over 100 people for afternoon tea on the 12th - it was great. A country barbie this weekend then Sydney for the next. By then we'll be partied out.
Glad you are having such a wonderful experience. Love Kelli