Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Laundry Incident

Well after being so excited on saturday about getting my washing done there was a whole adventure that happened on saturday afternoon after trying to collect my washing. Me, Bronte and Luisa went to collect our clothes at five o´clock after waiting patiently in urabamba for several hours. We got there and in Spanish we deciphered that the lady was telling us to that the washing would be ready in two days!! we were like no way, because i hade given them all my clothes except the ones i was wearing! Plus we had to get the bus back to huaran. So she brought one of our clothes out and showed us it was dripping wet and said they don´t have a dryer!! We waited there for forty minutes while they ¨dried¨ the clothes and put our wet clothes into plastic bags. She then overcharged us for our wet clothes and later ran after us three blocks away to hand us some wet underwear that she left out. Later we discovered why it took them so long because each of our clothes had a piece of coloured sewn into the label to tell them which was which. We were cracking because even every single sock had a string in it. That must have taken hours!! But it was wasn´t funny at the time because everyone had gone home, and it was dark and the last bus to Huaran had supposedly left. So we ran to bus stop and luckily the bus hadn´t left yet then stood there for 20 minutes squashed in the aisle with my wet clothes. We then got off and none of use had a torch so we walked up the pitch black path past the scary dogs and finally got home. When we got there no one cared and we weren´t allowed dinner because we were late!! grrr...later that night i hung out my wet clothes in the dark...i could have wet my own clothes...that´s the easy bit. i was looking forward to clena AND dry clothes.

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